“I Built a Big City!

Theodore made an imaginative form of play using wooden blocks to create a small town. When talked more with him he told that its Vancouver City.

During my practicum, one significant aspect I observed in Early Childhood Education is the limitless creativity of children. In my conversation with Theo, I learned that he had gone to Vancouver earlier in the summer and had a wonderful time with his family there. Months later, when he saw the blocks, he seemed to remember all the experiences from his trip to Vancouver. He was thoughtfully arranging blocks labeled “hospital” and “fire station” while also rearranging them.

BCELF First Peoples Principles of Learning is “Learning is embedded in memory, history, and story”.

Through the theos this exploration I wanted fosters his sense of place, creativity, and curiosity while reinforcing that learning is a continuous process connected with the stories of those who have come before, are currently here, and will come.